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El Encanto San Clemente Homes Offer Large Homes on Large Lots

Posted by Sam Smith on Friday, March 23rd, 2012 at 9:35am.

The El Encanto San Clemente community has always been known to have large two story homes located on over sized lots here in San Clemente, California.  When buyers come into town looking for a home in the $700,000 to $800,000 range we love to show them this neighborhood.  When compared to other beach homes in this same price range, El Encanto homes will almost be double in size when comparing square footage of the interior of the home.  For this reason, home buyers looking for large homes for their families will consider homes in the El Encanto neighborhood.  A good example of this is a new El Encanto home that just came on the market for $849,000 that features 3,000 square feet of living space.  Some of the homes will have swimming pools in the backyard so make sure to consult with your local realtor if that is not desired.  The lots are also typically very large and perfect for the growing family or for those with pets.  For more information on the El Encanto neighborhood please contact any of our San Clemente Real Estate agents today!

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